Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Clothing selections despite frigid temperatures

That Victoria's Secret ad appealing to the demand for cozy sweaters this holiday season must not be working. Regardless of temperature change, I have observed a large number of people wearing low-cut or sleeveless tops or open-toed shoes while out, braving the elements in the name of looking sexy.

In one bar I observed only 4 women wearing sweaters or any other type of clothing that seemed suited for winter wear. In the same bar, almost half the women present had on some sort of high heel or sandal, equipping them for a more sexualized appearance but perhaps not for winter walking. Of the 12 women I observed walking in the door in the course of 15 minutes, 5 of them removed bulky layers of scarves and coats. The others either came in light shawls, thin jackets or no coat at all. Many audibly complained of being cold but the answer "wear a sweater!" or something similar never came up.

While many of the women I observed sacrificed warmth for a sexy appearance, the men exhibited almost the complete opposite. I saw nearly all of the men in the same bar wearing warm clothes, from turtlenecks to sweaters to one man who even kept his gloves on. Just taking the whole bar in at once, the majority of skin visible belonged to the women. This ratio seems to remain consistent with the changing months and seasons.

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